21 definitions by Confuction

A creepy black raven-like demon with large wings, sharp talons and a face resembling that of a Plague Doctor Mask.
This demon's biggest fear is said to be "pestilence"..

Not to be messed with.
Did you see the creepy Chicken-Chorn in Lady Gaga's video??
by Confuction November 22, 2020
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A hillbilly involuntary slang for "I would have rather had have ___".
by Confuction October 23, 2020
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A subspecies of "Buffoon". Often thought to be much more daft than a buffoon, with antics far more extreme than a lunatic, putting him/her far beyond the margin of "just being an Idiot".
I'm never drinking with him again, (me either!!) I don't blame ya, because he acts like a buffaroon everytime!!!
by Confuction September 24, 2020
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One of the Best countries in the world, but stay off their bad side and be good while you're there or face some mad punishment and get shamed in front of the whole nation - be good and helpful and they will Like you..
We-we go-go a' ChinaChina mon, no go-a Jamaica today mon.
by Confuction December 16, 2020
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Someone with such embarrassingly cheesy facial features, personality and does such cheesy things like being on stupid TV commercials and says the most cringeworthy things and silly achievements that you just GOTTA come out of nowhere in the night, shoot them in the chest and run off into the darkness and be relieved that you are now "cooler than he".


Derived from Hockey announcer Michael Landsberg's face, which is believed to resemble a slice of toast in the shapeof his head, and his facial features look as if they've been stretched like cheese.
I hate that little weirdo, he's such a stupid little lame cheesetoast that I hope someone shoots him for it.
by Confuction October 19, 2020
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A derivative of the word Mister, but even more formal, and MORE respectful as if you were talking to a superior such as a well respected political figure..
Me: "Konnichiwa, Steven-San. This is my friend, or tomodachi, if you will: Carl Hensington"
Mr. Steven: "Nice to meet you, Mistopher Hensington"

Carl: "Likewise, Mistopher Steven."

by Confuction November 30, 2020
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A fictional nationality similar to Portuguese from the make-believe country of "Porta-Gway".
I think the young chap is of Porta-Gweeze heritage, not Mexican or Portuguese.
by Confuction September 24, 2020
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