5 definitions by Clint.....

Obey giant is a group of urban anti govermont propaganda taggers. There most popular meber is Shepard Fairey who created the Obama hope image and the famouse andre the giant tag which under it is the words "OBEY" Some other well know things from Obey giant are Mr.Spray, Zepplin Mothership, and the Obey fist. The organization was started in 1989 ands image have been even featured of the Obey giant in many Tony Hawk games,(Tony Hawks Underground 2, Tony Hawks American Wasteland.) and other well know popculture items.
Obey giants website is: obeygiant.com
by Clint..... January 30, 2010
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Some Maryland natives prounuce the state as "Muraland" and use terms such as yall. Has many diverse people and diverse places such as the ghetto side of Maryland and the country side of Maryland. Has alot of fishers and boat drivers. Is considered the Mid atlantic and a border state but no one ever refers to it as such people either call it the north or the south. Its considered the south to most of its naitives on account of it was a pro slave state wanted to break off and join the confedarcy in the civil war but was prevented from seceding due to the fact that if they where pro Confedarcy the nations capital would be in peril. However, It is also considered the North by many people as well but its best if instead of being labeled a southerner or northerner you just stick to which ever you prefer and say nothing about that if you are not from there. It has great crabs, is big on football, and is home to Washington D.C. One of the most beautiful places to ever go to.
Marylands state capital is Annapolis.
by Clint..... January 30, 2010
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A white person from the south east US who is either rasict, uneducated,poor, or all of the above. It was meant as dergotory but Jeff Foxworthy turned it in to a badge of honor. The word came from confedarte caol miners wearing red bandannas on there necks whil;e they worked NOT FROM A BURNT NECK.
Im not a redneck i didnt like the false definitions thoe. A good example of a redneck is Larry the cable guy.
by Clint..... February 1, 2010
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The abriviation of the word "Bad ass" used by young children and sons and daughters afraid of there parents to exclaim excitment.
Boy 1: I got these new ba glitter crayons!

Boy 2: Get away from me db you po me.
by Clint..... January 30, 2010
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The shortend version of pissed off used by school children to avoide getting in trouble, or to help make a conversation short.
Boy 1: So i told him, "I dont want to see your glitter crayons you po me."

Boy 2: Wow, dude. you are so BA.
by Clint..... January 30, 2010
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