70 definitions by ChuckChaser69

Time to go to work. Applies generally, to any task/activity. Or, to leave home for one's place of employment. Usually expressed in a dreary, I'd-really-rather-stay-home-and-masturbate kinda way.
Man kisses wife as he grabs his keys. "Time to make the donuts."
by ChuckChaser69 October 7, 2010
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exclamation indicating that what you are talking about doesn't matter to anyone but you
Megan: So, I was walking down the street, and I stubbed my toe. And it hurt!

Mike: OMG, Will got a crock pot.

Megan: Did I tell you about that? Isn't that awesome?

Mike: Yeah, NOT awesome.
by ChuckChaser69 June 11, 2009
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1) an as-yet-undiscovered theory unifying many scientific field theories into one understanding of how the universe operates

2) something unattainable, much as finding an actual unified field theory has baffled scientists for decades
Einstein spent the last two decades of his life trying to develop a unified field theory.
Person 1: John keeps asking Sarah out, but she's not biting.
Person B: She's his unified field theory. Ain't gonna happen.
by ChuckChaser69 July 21, 2008
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An expression used to indicate that someone is making a big deal out of nothing. Stolen from a line of dialogue in a bad movie, Tommy Wiseau's "The Room".
Megan: So, Will. We need to talk. It may not be important to you, but the cap on a toothpaste tube should have a tight seal. If it does not, then bacteria can manifest itself in the paste, not to mention the cap coming off and squirting toothpaste onto my clothes.

Will: (holding his head in his hands and screaming) You're tearing me apart, Lisa!

Megan: Who's Lisa?
by ChuckChaser69 June 22, 2009
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not funny at all (so-named due to all of the un-funny shit promoted as "TBS very funny")
Megan: Hey, did you see 'The Ugly Truth'? That Gerard Butler is very funny.

Will: You mean "TBS very funny". Remember, I saw that with you. And I've pretty much blocked it from memory it was so bad. And the balloon sequence at the end had the worst green screen ever. And why can't he stop making movies for just 5 minutes. He was in three movies this month, for Christ's sake. Maybe he should die. THAT would be funny.
by ChuckChaser69 November 5, 2009
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A bar in Manhattan that is now fubar.
a: Hey, remember that bar called Fu Bar?
b: Remember it? I was there last night.
a: Well a crane fell on it, and now it's fubar.
by ChuckChaser69 March 15, 2008
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The place on most humans where shit comes out. See also: asshole.
Hey, douche, I've heard your conservative justification to screw the poor while giving the rich more money just one too many times. Please shut up before I shove this spatula up your Sarah Palin's mouth.
by ChuckChaser69 May 14, 2011
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