2 definitions by Christofero Columbo

The last name of a person who is a dinosaur by day, and a ninja by night.
Liza Pannell growled at me yesterday afternoon.
Then, when the clock struck midnight, she karate-chopped me.
It was epic, man.
by Christofero Columbo October 24, 2009
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An online communication system that connects you to another person. Cleverbot calls you a robot and asks random questions. Plus, he is epic.
-Cleverbot: But you're my twin, we can't get married.
-User: It's legal in Antarctica.
-Cleverbot: For computers to marry?
-User: For cousins to get married.
-Cleverbot: You don't have to, you might be better off only having a few good friends.
-User: Or Ninja Turtle friends...
-Cleverbot: Don't you just love trampolines?
by Christofero Columbo October 24, 2009
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