53 definitions by Catty McGee

To go across state lines with an illegal weapon for the purpose of murdering innocent protesters and then claiming self-defense. Only works if you're white.
A black guy tried to rittenhouse and was killed the moment he started waving a gun around. Conservative media then unanimously cried, "He shouldn't have had an illegal weapon. Blue lives matter!"
by Catty McGee November 25, 2020
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That is one bode cat.
by Catty McGee September 4, 2017
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Being a Nazi ironically. A common alibi used to shield the behavior of today's Nazis from criticism, as though irony somehow makes their actions OK .

In "Anti-Semite and Jew," written shortly after WWII, Jean-Paul Sartre writes that insincerity was also a common defense mechanism of the Hitler-led Nazis.
Nazi who stabbed two people who tried to defend a Muslim: I was just verbally abusing her ironically. It's their faults for taking it seriously and trying to come to her defense.

Another modern-day Nazi: You better go into hiding you inferior-race jewish slut or I'll kill you
(Jewish woman goes into hiding)
Modern-day Nazi: Ha, I was just threatening her ironically, that dumb cunt. I don't actually think Jews are an inferior race at all. It was ironic Nazism.
by Catty McGee May 30, 2017
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An interjection used by nerds in place of "yum" when they eat something delicious.
by Catty McGee February 25, 2017
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Bannondong is an impotent dong who seeks to rule the world by acquiring all of the dongs. He already has his own dong and the dong of Geert Wilders and is closing in on the dong of Marine LaPenne. It is said that his motives are pure dongs; he simply wants to dong the dong of dongs on every dongday.
The name of this king of dongs is Bannondong Dongmire, but he is known by his alias, Dongydongdong.
by Catty McGee August 9, 2019
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A 2nd-century Judean general in the army of Shimon bar Kochba, looked up to by rebels worldwide when fighting tyrannical governments.
"Marg bar Amrika!" chanted the insurgents, remembering the heroic but ultimately unsuccessful deeds of the 2nd-century general against the Romans.
by Catty McGee December 17, 2020
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Short for anarcho-primitivist, a strange reactionary species of anarchist who is opposed to civilization and wants the human race to return to the glory days of throwing feces at each other. Other anarchists tend to loathe primmies and wonder what, if anything, they actually have in common with them.
"I'm an anarchist."
"What, you mean one of those people like Ted Kaczynski who thinks we need to go back to hunter-gatherer times?"
"No, that's a primmy. I'm just against all forms of hierarchy."
"Oh. That's confusing,"
by Catty McGee July 11, 2017
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