17 definitions by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName

The ultimate boredom. You've already done qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, plomkinjubhyvgtcfrdeswaq, qawsedrftgyhujikolpzxcvbnm, and so on.
Error 165 (Cannot Handle Boredom Of qawsedrftgyhujikolpmnbvcxz)
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1: when you're installing cyberpunk 2077
2: when the loading bar gets to 99%
1: Person 1 "How's the game installation going?"
Person 2: "Nope, not good. It's underloading."

2: "Why, loading bar? Why do you have to underload when you get to 99%?"
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An emoticon for when you're trying to be happy, but you are sad in the inside.
Also can be used as a smiley with a chin.
Use 1: Person 1: "What's wrong?"
Person 2: "Nothing. :DC"

Use 2: Person 1: "You have a long chin."
Person 2: "I know. :DC"
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Kirby. Kirby. Kirby.
by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName February 28, 2021
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The f**king most useless follow-up to a question in an exam or test. Don't know why the f**k it exists.
"Question 5 finished... What's question 6? "How did you get this answer?" What do you expect? I OBVIOUSLY F**KING USED MY BRAIN!!!!! HOW DO TEACHERS COME UP WITH SUCH STUPID QUESTIONS???"
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Kinda like GG, but less impressively.
Someone: "Beats an easy obby on Roblox"
Everyone: "G"
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Wow! You've just passed level 1000000 of Keyboard Boredom! I congratulate you for your extreme level of boredom! Ok, but actually, this "word" is just like qzawxsecdrvftbgynhumjikolp, but instead of just staying at top-bottom-middle, we have a pattern. Like first one is top-bottom-middle, then middle-bottom-top, then top-bottom-middle, then middle-bottom-top...
Person 1: I'm very bored!
Person 2: And I'm more bored than you!
Person 3: And I'M more bored than YOU!
Person 1: Heh, wanna bet? I searched qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm on Google!
Person 2: Only THAT much? I searched qzawxsecdrvftbgynhumjikolp on Google!
Person 3: ... I searched qzasxwecdfvrtbghnyumjikolp on Google.
Person 1: A... You win.
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