3 definitions by Cactushatt11

Is a friend but is stupid but hes just smart enough to barely make a joke with his yee yee ass haircut
by Cactushatt11 August 23, 2021
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"Cactus-hatt" or "cactus" for a username abbreviation, a username for a specific person or a cactus with a cowboy hat on.
Aww man "cactus" killed me or I saw a "cactushatt" the other day it was weird.
by Cactushatt11 August 23, 2021
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Combines the ligma balls and joe mama joke so you get them twice.
Kile: bro my mom got diagnosed with ligma and his doctor is joe.

John:what's ligma and who's joe?

by Cactushatt11 August 23, 2021
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