2 definitions by CUppakace

Legendary song by CupcakKe, it slaps but u should neva listen to it in public. You can acc preform CPR to the song CPR since it got 103BPM
Person 1:yo what did y'all do last night * wink

Person 2: oh yh "I saved dick by giving it CPR"
by CUppakace November 11, 2021
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Legendary song by CupcakKe that slapss harder than my dad, you should neva I REPEAT NEVA listen to it without headphones tho. You can acc preform CPR to the song CPR since it got 103BPM.
person1:yo what did u do yesterday
person2: oh yh ia saved a dick by giving it CPR
by CUppakace November 11, 2021
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