6 definitions by Bratfink

An extremely fit detective from the wrong side of the tracks. He is a gang leader and an amazing boyfriend but an even better burger eater.
Person: gosh, he’s fit
Person 2: OMG that must be Jughead jones
by Bratfink April 10, 2020
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Cole’s are either cute or popular, there’s no in between .The popular kind have a lot of friends and are quite smart but waste it all on attention from there piers or viewers. They usually are good at sport and some could say fit. The cute kind is the kind girls drool And gossip over at lunch and break and has a lot of followers on Instagram. He’s not weak but not strong, just perfectly in the middle. He’s not sporty but he is invited and hosts a lot of party’s. He can make the best of things in the worst situations and can brighten anyone’s day with just his smile.
Person : he’s so fit
Person 2: yea he’s a cole, the good type
by Bratfink April 9, 2020
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Samuel’s usually know Oliver’s and are complete opposites to them. They are kind of quite and not really known but whenever they have a chance for there voice to be heard, they will take it. They can be funny but hang around with simps. They usually Can act a bit gay but if you mention that to them they can get feisty they are quite weird and are the kind who would play Spider-Man and animay Behind the ball cage of the school. Even thought they are weird people they do have a normal amount of friends and are very street smart
Person: what the heck is that kid doing
Person 2: don’t mind him, he’s a samual
by Bratfink April 9, 2020
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Oliver is the biggest simp that you would ever meet and can’t really be very effective to the ones he is supposed to love. He is a big dickhead and thinks he is the king of the crowd when really, he is just the weirdo year 7 with the big backpack.
Person 1: that person is such a simp
Person 2: yea, he must be an oliver
by Bratfink April 9, 2020
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Omg I HATE them !!!

Well, after all, it is CoronaVirus.....
by Bratfink April 10, 2020
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