7 definitions by Bossare

Verb:- used to describe the enormous size of your male reproductive system
Noun:-a person who's known as a "kunditala". Usually their bffs name is adnan
-Your pp is a perfect aryan
-i know right!
by Bossare September 12, 2020
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Verb:- used to describe the enormous size of your male reproductive system
Noun:-a person who's known as a "kunditala". Usually their bffs name is adnan
by Bossare February 5, 2021
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Verb:- used to describe the enormous gigantic size of your male reproductive system
Noun:-a person who's known as a "kunditala". Usually their bffs name is adnan.
-Your pp is a perfect aryan
-i know right! It's lit
by Bossare September 14, 2020
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shaani is a very smart kind of person. she is mostly very good at cooking and parenting. she is a responsible and very kind as long as you are kind to her. she is very good at writing letters and stories.if she is your relative or someone close to you, then you are very lucky. always treat her nicely.if you teat her nice, she will treat you the best she could ever. but if you hurt her in any way, you are gone.
eg. shaani is the best i know for the job

please don't hurt shaani
by Bossare March 6, 2018
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A big pottan. Lives outside his building on a mattress and a foil hat.

Usually known for their love for shawerma with onions and pineapple.

They usually have a level of drip matching even dripsham. Almost had a thicc ass
-ayus, y u so gay?
-idk papi guess I'm just built different
by Bossare July 3, 2021
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- look at Hisham and Fadi. They're so cute!
-ikr they're such a hadi
by Bossare August 29, 2020
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A short guy, who usually is short. Loves dogs to the extent of marrying their dog. Normally, they are amazing singers, especially in languages like malayalam or abshar. i repeat again, very short person. is good at learning subjects like aryan or fadi studies. her favourite food most likely is butter adnan. i repeat again, VERY SHORT
-HEY abshar, is hisham your boyfriend?
-yeah, duh.
by Bossare November 26, 2019
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