4 definitions by Boing Doinkus

When wood pencils just aren’t enough. These became popular roughly in the 2nd grade, kids would screech over these. A long thin piece of graphite, commonly found in the 0.3 to 0.9mm range. Finding one of these on the floor, especially when there is a lot of led inside of it is a status symbol of clout and wealth within the school walls. Kids will also cry when they loose one. Consider it your lucky day if you find a loaded mechanical pencil on the floor. You can buy a few pencils for one if you’re lucky! These are the best writing tools you can get access to, and since no one buys them, it may take a while to get one.
Kid: Dude, I just found a loaded mechanical pencil.
Other kid: How much led is inside?
Kid: 4 full sticks bro.
Other kid: Lucky! Toss me one?
Kid: Gonna cost you some cash brother.
by Boing Doinkus December 20, 2018
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The one math room where the air smells like piss and everyone has an average of 36 or under.
Kid: Yo dawg, gotta hit up room 153 next period.
Other kid: Dammn good luck.
by Boing Doinkus December 20, 2018
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The clothing that every kid in your class who wants to join the NBA wears, typically found with Nike shoes.
Normie: Yo sup pooper I just got my hands on this lit clout under armor shirttt!
Kid: I don’t care.
by Boing Doinkus December 20, 2018
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The term “school computer” means that a select computer takes 15 minutes to boot up and an additional 5 to load in your first search and cannot even run flash games above 45fps, usually 5-15 years old.
Kid: Dude this thing is like a school computer!
Kid2: And you just bought it?
Kid: Hell yea, and I’m pissed!
by Boing Doinkus December 20, 2018
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