3 definitions by Bobbert

Aneesah is a name that means sexy, and sly. She doesn’t know that everyone adores her, and will easily outsmart you. Her sexiness And wits make her who she is and she loves her friends
she is such an Aneesah, I love it!”
by Bobbert November 11, 2017
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43rd US president. Believed to be part of genus Homo Nonsapiens. Won election only because his brother made ballots that old guys wouldn't understand, and refuses to acknowledge something called 'separation of church and state'.
by Bobbert September 4, 2003
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A piece of poop inside two slices of bread.

Sticking your wang in between a piece of poop.
"Did you just bet Jeff 100 dollars to eat that terd sandwich?" asked Randy.

"Your mom likes it when im the dick in her terd sandwich," said Chirs.
by Bobbert October 10, 2005
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