22 definitions by Bilham

1.) Pertaining to the world of ideas.

2.) Creative, imaginative.
I could not sleep last night. I was filled with ideatic energy.
by Bilham March 9, 2012
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Compatible. Similar to "Simpatico," used in the same way.
The date went well. She and I were compatico.
That's great Tom. Mozeltov.
by Bilham January 24, 2011
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Declare one's (often opposite) personal gender identification.
Katie spend her first year of college as a girl. She's planning on having a sex change operation after graduation, and next year will genderfy as a boy.
by Bilham December 21, 2010
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A person who is not an expert in a subject (art or music) but has an informed interest in it. Similar to "aficionado" but without having advanced technical knowledge.
I am an apprecionado of banjo jazz music.
by Bilham February 6, 2011
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A sign-language gesture with the hand , meaning "I'm goin to pee & get a drink."

The gesture is a double dip j sign, pinkie finger, twice.
Across the loud, sweaty, undulating, pheromone flooded dancefloor, I spotted Scotty, and I gave him the Jingo Jango, and he nodded okay. So I hit the head.
by Bilham January 14, 2011
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People who seem to be aroused by promoting conspiracy theories about controversial public events. They are often found on obscure internet forums, or in bars or parties, where they spew implausible scenaria explaining historical events. The data that they provide is usually cherry-picked or flawed, and they are adamant about the veracity of their cause. Examples include, 9/11, the JFK assassination, Obama birthers, vaccination autism warners, etc.
I saw a guy on a date, and all I heard from him was about how the World Trade Center was brought down by explosives. I couldn't tell if the girl was impressed. I almost went over to him to bitch-slap him. I wish I did. He was just one of those conspirabators.
by Bilham January 18, 2014
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A spider who doesn't believe in government or authority.
A spider wove her web in front of the Presidential seal. She was an anarchid.
by Bilham April 18, 2011
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