1 definition by BetiGangsta♡

She is a literal angel. If you have her as a friend consider yourself lucky cuz she is always gonna have your back and will always be there for you when you're feeling down. She always puts others first before herself and is the most selfless person I know. Whenever I have worries I always come to her first even before my family because I feel like I have a connection with her that I dont have with anyone else, I can be myself around her and not pretend to be someone I'm not. She is talented but doesn't know it and is good at many things like putting a smile on anyones face :). She spreads joy anywhere she goes and it's hard to hate someone like her. She is shy but when you get to know her she becomes comfortable with you and uses her weird and funny side. She can be insecure but she is beautiful on the inside and outside. I could go on and on because there is so much to say but to this person if you see this just know I will always stay by your side just like how you stayed on mine, Ilysm<3.
Me: Have you seen Fatimah anywhere?
Random person: Who's that
Me: She is the best person you will ever know
Random person: Oh I hope I get to meet her one day!
by BetiGangsta♡ June 12, 2022
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