2 definitions by BeanDip69

Person with abnormally undersized penis. Has a very low self esteem so he feels that putting shirtless pictures on social media will balance it out. Ceto, when not fucking goats, enjoys hanging out with girls and then breaks up with them the following day to return to the goat.
How about you go ceto yourself. (Goat Fuck)
by BeanDip69 April 12, 2015
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the most perfect woman in all the land. When you look at her all of your problems will seem meaningless as you are captivated by her natural beauty. She is superior to all other women, making her a queen. You'll find yourself thinking you must be dreaming because you've never come across a woman this flawless. Lastly, you will know you have found a BQDS by the beautiful sparkle in her eyes that look like their galaxy of stars.

/Byoo-tee Kween Dreem Staar/
I have never been fortunate enough to see a Beauty Queen Dream Star with my own eyes before, but I heard there is one named Taylor of Rocklin.
by BeanDip69 May 19, 2021
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