5 definitions by BeašŸ

That weird drunk uncle thatā€™s always at your family gatherings. And if heā€™s not there, heā€™s most likely still sleeping or in jail.
Person one: where is Druncle?
Person two: donā€™t you remember, he is in prison for being an old drunken bag
by BeašŸ March 10, 2020
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Joel juice is a tv show about disabled kids and all the episodes are about joel
Joel juice is something we drink daily
by BeašŸ December 19, 2019
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Barrington Middle School is a crappy middle school with over 1,000 kids, most of them being fuckboys. You can always find at least 5 juul pods in every bathroom every time you walk in. The cops are constantly showing up in the front of the school and everyone is high af. People always get beat up and nobody gives a shit if you get beat up in this hellhole.
I go to Barrington Station Middle School where I am always high on drugs and I constantly get beat up.
by BeašŸ May 25, 2019
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Phoque, not to be confused with fuck, is the French word for seal. If you are innocent and stub your toe, happen to drop an f bomb, and feel bad about it, just know that all you did was say seal in French.
Person one: stubs toe, drops f bomb
Also Person one: says seal in french(phoque)
by BeašŸ February 20, 2020
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Equivalent to ā€œEā€, a response to a statement, usually funny or disturbing.
*someone texts sacreligious cursed meme to group chat
*someone else responds with Tlock(usually Daniel)
by BeašŸ February 20, 2020
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