78 definitions by Batman

a skanky ass hoe usually with stds, and often marked with a fungus growing around her vagina. see also HIV , std , whore , skank .
ewww dude i can't believe you hooked up with that pennsbury chick.
by Batman February 15, 2005
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what the fuck <killed, brutalized>
usually used in the place of regular pwnd when your death or beating was suprisingly fast or gruesome.
holy clown SHIT! you just got wtfpwnd!! (also: wtfowned, wtfownd, wtfpwned, wtfownt or wtfpwnt)
by Batman October 8, 2003
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A handstand on a keg. The act of guzzling alchohol in an inverted position in massive quantities, with onlookers cheering.
That recockulous mofo just did a craptacular kegstand.
by Batman April 12, 2002
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I pity the fool who has to play a song for 18 minutes... but NOFX is awesome
by Batman February 15, 2004
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More extreme than rediculous. Proceeding to a state of comedic abnormality. Used to describe men under most circumstances...
Joe just did his seventh keg stand, and he is acting RECOCKULOUS! He even puked on my shoe.
by Batman April 12, 2002
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1. (adj) When something's so fucked up that it's funny.
2. (v) When a clown has sex with a girl.
1. Having entered the bathroom seconds too late, his positioning procedure failed, and he sprayed the seat and tank with excrement. Upon realizing he'd essentially shit himself, Sproc had to laugh, quite incorrectly thinking that the situation couldn't be more bonkled. To wit, he leaned forward and threw up directly into his trousers.
2. Bozo and Cookie took turns bonkling the understudy.
by Batman July 1, 2004
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