137 definitions by Baron Neville



Refers to the three erratic properties or attributes which influence the social group when participating in the election process of a political disposition. The mentioned properties consist of the following three attributes;

a; Irrational

b; Impulse

c; Hysteria
tri-facet best describes when the majority of voters who partake in the voting process, in most part when casting their vote for a candidate, are influenced by irrational, impulsive combustions of mass hysteria. As opposed to any true level of rationalized contemplation or logic.
by Baron Neville June 17, 2017
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farcacious{ an act which is by essence false, deceptive and a lie

farceter { one who acts farcaciously or deceptively }


is when the prevailing mode and rule of the day within the halls of the government of a society, is in its entirety saturated with lies, deception and intrigue.
" Any government which acts in direct paradox with the values, principles and objectives that which it overtly proclaims. Any such government or state is by default a farceocracy.
by Baron Neville December 3, 2016
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Transmutilationism or Transmutilation is a theory which can be applied both in the areas of social or physical science. In physical science, Transmutilationism refers to a process whereby a matter has undergone a prodigious and fundamental change and transformation in its natural composition and characteristics. Whereby all its natural attributes have been mutilated and in result rendered no longer recognizable or relevant with its original natural state or form. In a social context Transmutilationism refers to mans deviation from the ethically natural and primary state or path of essentialism, to the unnatural and less significant path of material incedintalism.
Transmutilation is when liquid has been transformed in to solid or solid in to liquid.

Transmutilationism is when man has diverted from his natural path of seeking essential necessities in life such as food, shelter etc. and has in its stead embarked upon a path of excessive materialism.
by Baron Neville March 27, 2016
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the state of being, a form or composition of something holding multiple attributes, elements of either a corporeal or incorporeal nature.
"the natural society is adverrant".
by Baron Neville October 25, 2016
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Boisel or ( bushel ) Currency, is a fundamental element or attribute of the idéaliste-équilibré economy. It is effectively another form of ( Time ) or ( Labour ) based alternative currency, however it defers form the subsequent currencies in two specific points. First, unlike the previous mentioned forms of currencies, whereby there value is exclusively based on an immediate performed act of labour . Boisel currency, is valued by the time and labour invested in one hour reaping of lb's180 of wheat or three wheat ( Bushels ) which requires one hour to harvest ( Manually ). Therefore it is not the value of the wheat it self, but rather the market value of the labour and time invested in reaping of the wheat that which is taken in to account. Boisel currency, unlike other alternative currencies can easily be exchanged between any number of different people and can be used as a medium in trade. Boisel currency, is not subject to interest, therefore it provides no prospect for the accumulating of excessive wealth. Therefore alleviating the manifesting of greed within the business sector, and subsequently society at large. Since Wheat is the primary ingredient for mans the most essential inebition ( Bread ) in the sustaining of life. It is therefore only natural that Wheat is used as a measure for the boisel currency.

Boisel currency denominations:
Boisel-currency, is a medium where its value is determined exclusively by the market value of one hour time and labour invested in the harvesting of Wheat. 2 Boisel's, equals $2.00 which is the one hour wage of a wheat Reaper.
by Baron Neville May 22, 2016
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another term used to describe the social group, society or the community as large.
all citizens within a society regardless of social or economic standing etc., are members of the social equation.
by Baron Neville July 8, 2017
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Refers to the three inevitable Evolutional stages of Capitalism. This process is categorised in to three consecutive levels or steps.

1- Economic Capitalism: All focus and activity is exclusively involved with matters of Finance and Industry.

2- Crony or Corrupt Capitalism: This refers to a process whereby Capitalism spills over in to politics and via various special interest or lobby groups it is able to influence government legislation and policies etc....

3- State Capitalism or Socialism: This refers to when Capitalism ultimately replaces the conventional national government or political state and essentially becomes the state or system of government.
Capitalutionism, is the progressional evolvement of Capitalism in the United states for the past two or three centuries. Whereby, Capitalism initially at its conception was a purely Economical system focusing exclusively on matters of finance and Industry. However over time it has evolved and has been transformed in to a major element with in American, politics.
by Baron Neville January 1, 2014
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