20 definitions by Bailmaninmo

An "Air" sandwich is a food product made of nothing at all. Normally it's consumed without the buns. Therefore, the eater is actually eating nothing at all.
We're so broke, we had air sandwiches for dinner.
by Bailmaninmo December 14, 2018
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A Professional Firer is a business owner who continually fires the employees just for the sake of firing them. These type of individuals own businesses just so they can fire people.
John is a Professional Firer.
by Bailmaninmo February 25, 2019
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Arkins Ass refers to the state of Arkansas. Before it was officially named "Arkansas" there was "old man Arkin" He had such a severe case of hemorrhoids that was contagious, that it became an epidemic. It was so epidemic that it became the name of a USA state. "Old man Arkin" was John Arkin in the early 1800's. So they wanted to call the state 'Arkins Ass" but that didn't work out real well. It then became "Arkansas" .
We came to the conclusion that Dave has Arkins Ass and needs to be treated.
by Bailmaninmo November 27, 2019
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This is when someone continues to speak AT you even though you don't want to hear or reply to them in any way. Often times the one doing the ear fucking will make statements, then expect some type of response.
This dude was ear fucking me the whole time. Ear Fucked
by Bailmaninmo May 1, 2019
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A "Dick Salute" is the same thing as a regular military salute between officers and enlisted people except instead of saluting the other person with 4 fingers to your hat, or to your rifle, you do that same salute to your crotch area and then wait for the other person to salute back that same way before releasing the salute. It is not limited only to men. Women can do it as well. But it's always done by saluting the crotch. This is starting to get real popular in jails and other correctional institutions. Military personnel should not give dick salutes. That won't work out. This is a civilian thing.
He gave me a "Dick Salute"
by Bailmaninmo April 1, 2019
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This happens when every time you turn around, you're having to pay a hundred dollars.
by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019
A Ute originally referred to a bird that doesn't fly. It was a strange bird that has wings, only 3 legs, but can't fly. It can also refer to a weird person who can't do much. The person has to actually be weird for that to apply.
She's a ute.
by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019
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