20 definitions by Bailmaninmo

Ass cold is a term which describes the degree of coldness. If anythings described as "ass" then it's the most intense. Less intensive coldness can be described as "butt cold" , "dick cold" or just "cold" however, "ass cold" is the worst of them all.
I don't want to go anywhere today, it's ass cold outside.
by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019
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An "Ass Hole" is a hole in the ground that becomes a final resting place for a donkey. It also refers to a person who is an arrogant idiot whose whole purpose in life is to annoy and disturb others for no reason at all.
by Bailmaninmo December 16, 2018
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"CATTLE" is a word that describes a person, or group of people who go through daily life following the dictates of anything they may see or hear from the media. These type of individuals refuse to think for themselves, like livestock, and follow the leader in the blind no matter what their objective is. AND the cattle don't care what it is.
She is stupid, like cattle in a barn house. Any time there is a movement from the other cattle , she will follow. CATTLE.
by Bailmaninmo November 6, 2017
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The state of mind where a person is overwhelmed by everything that they are trying to accomplish. Often times, this state of mind causes the persons mind to "shut down" and therefore be rendered useless for any sort of common sense reasoning.
by Bailmaninmo November 5, 2017
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A doc-torr is a medical doctor who is of Iranian or similar decent. The're the doctors that have a funny accent.
I had to go to Doc-torr office today.
by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019
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This is a phenomenon that commonly takes place at casino tables while gambling blackjack for a long period of consecutive time. The elbow is bent on the edge of the table either in a downward or upward position. After a few hours the hair on the arm or elbow will become smooth where the table meets the arm. There could be indentations of that part of the table on the arm. Shoulders will become stiff, perhaps even sore. Almost always the edge of the table where the elbow is laying will have short lasting non permanent indentations as well for a few minutes after the person removes his arm or elbow. Bald Arm could cause minor irritation to the skin for a few hours even after the person stops playing.
I was at the casino all night and got Bald Arm.
by Bailmaninmo August 23, 2018
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