13 definitions by BRO

(v) To make-out spastically.
So, you wanna come over and slob or something?
by BRO May 13, 2004
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Card playing term referring to a deck of playing cards that has been tampered with in order to affect the outcome of the game. The term is used because such decks are said to have been found to be cooler (in actual temperature) than the immediate surroundings due to someone introducing them from the outside.
The scumbag has been known to use a cold deck.
by BRO April 20, 2006
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A person, usually male and generally considered or thought to be cool.
After meeting a new group of people one may say to his or her friends "Those cats were allright."

Where is that cat?

I haven't seen him in a while. That cat's getting fat.
by BRO May 13, 2004
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while taking a shit you spread your legs and watch your shit fall into the water and it splashs back up into your rectum.
pooping on tara, running away and having Will eat it
by BRO October 14, 2004
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To raise ones hand above the shoulder and with terminal velocity strike it across the face of the hoe.
My bitch was actin' up so I had to pimp-slap the hoe.
by BRO April 25, 2003
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a pillow that is old and dingy and obviously drooled on.
We tossed the brown frown in the troll house.
by BRO October 1, 2003
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