311 definitions by BILL

While you're nailing some girl doggie style and your friend is catching some head off the same girl, you get a quick game of pattycake going. This makes you reminisce of your childhood memories and eases the sight of watching your friend blow his load.
Dude, that girl is just begging for us to play patty cake on her tonight.
by BILL March 9, 2005
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very small turds that felt massive on the way out
I turned around after tears of pain to see this little shitiblet.
by BILL January 4, 2004
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The final battle between good and evil in Tolkien's world. Morgoth will be destroyed along with Arda
by BILL October 10, 2004
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A leather (sometimes of other material) device attached to the male genitals that separates the testicles and pushes them apart. Same as "ball splitter." Gay erotica.
His ball spreader must have been uncomfortable, but it kept his cock erect.
by BILL November 26, 2004
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If one isn't uppity, they are downity.
by BILL February 15, 2004
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A variation of the phrase "son of a bitch", but with a southern US accent.
Skeeter, get me a beer ya son bitch.
by BILL April 25, 2004
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