4 definitions by B-Durk

When you are having sex with a girl and just before you cum you scream out EVVVVVVVAAAAAAA and pullout of the girl and cum all over her nearest plant.
Yo bro why is your girl mad at you?

I totally did The Wall-e on her last night and she’s mad that I called her Eva and that her plant is ruined.

Ha totally got her bro. (High fives)
by B-Durk February 23, 2019
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Faquerius is when one of your homies say something something that is so big facts it’s slap your ass perfect and if you say faquerius then you gotta high five the fuck outta your homie. This is pronounced (Fak-quwhere-ie-ous).
Bro that test sucked!

Dude I know that shit you just said was faquerius!

*high five of a lifetime*
by B-Durk January 22, 2019
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Astrid is a girl who is beyond perfection. She is someone who is caring, kind, empathetic, loving, adorable, cute, beautiful, stunning, and absolutely the hottest girl in the universe. Her smile can make people melt, and the way she looks at you it gives you this feeling that everything will be okay as long as you are with her. She is someone to be treated like a queen because she deserves it and more. She is the most perfect in every way. Especially if you met her at a camp somewhere, she will be something else just like a miracle. She is the star that is brightest at night even when it’s cloudy. She is someone who you want to always hold because she is an adorable little peanut and you want her to know it. :))
I swear she is perfect.”

“Well obviously she is an Astrid!”
by B-Durk October 14, 2019
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Hate to see it happen is a casual but common phrase that can be used in most conversations. Say someone has died in the family, hate to see it happen, say you break a leg, hate to see it happen, say ur dog’s left legs brother’s cousin’s aunt is on the loose again, hate to see it happen. The list can go on forever because you just hate to see it happen.
“Hey so turns out my girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend but my best friend was cheating on their girlfriend with my best friends girlfriend all along and everyone found out right now.”

“Damn dog Hate to see it happen.”
by B-Durk August 14, 2019
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