3 definitions by AtomicGOD

"By rule of what makes the most sense."

"2018 Cascadia will be ruled by logica and reason!"

(President Brisbine posts a photo of Spok Holding a black kitten. Spok was a person in the series Star Trek who made every decision based on sound logic.)
by AtomicGOD January 2, 2018
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1. Someone who refuses to promote themselves.

2. An artist or more typically a rapper who remains more anonymous under the cover of his own name knowing there are multiple artists with the same name or that uses multiple names.

3. A slang word for anonymous in hip-hop culture.
by AtomicGOD October 9, 2010
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A man from Wenatchee Washington who says he was inspired by his 2nd extraterrestrial encounter to make himself the World's nuclear diplomat. He was radio host of an international hip-hop radio show called: The Radioactive Dinnertime Fallout Shelter (RFDS) on 89.3 KUGS FM in Bellingham from 2000-2002. He read the first version of The Constitution of Earth on the last day and wrote 36 new amendments for the US constitution. He made a new language in music called voodoo often heard in freestyle rap sessions. Author of the The Bomb Rules for the game of chess and martial arts expert. A burn artist. Also known for his lyricism, beat box and ripping guitar solos. A schizophrenic man with black cats and girl problems.
by AtomicGOD February 8, 2010
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