12 definitions by Astrapto

An acronym for "In my incumbent opinion." It's a way of stating that your opinion is not absolute or substantially entrenched in your mind. It could change, under proper circumstances or with different information.

See also imo and imho.
This band isn't all that notable, imio. But we'll see, once their new album comes out.
by Astrapto May 7, 2011
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An acronym that means "Get Thee Out." it is the SFW version of GTFO.
It would've been GTH, ("get thee hence") had that word not already been taken.
Guy at work: "A friend request from That Guy?! Never, GTO!"
*looks around*
Boss: "You're fired."
by Astrapto November 4, 2010
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n. - (ri·pup'·ər·eɪ'·ʃʌn)
The oft-necessary resting period that follows the routine unloading of fecal matter from the human anus.
The word is a blend of "poop", a slang term for fecal matter, and "recuperation."
-Examples of morphological derivatives are:
repooperative (area or period)
repooperacoon (modeled after the recuperacoon from MS Paint Adventures)
Jim has been in the bathroom forever, maybe someone should check on him." "I just did; he's all done, just waiting out the repooperation period. He can't even walk for long without first repooperating.
by Astrapto April 14, 2011
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n. Combination of "school", and "apocalypse".
The end of the school year, when students must rush to avoid the consequences of their procrastination. The event is oft-accompanied by weeping, gnashing of teeth, etc.
"Have you seen Miriam lately?" "Nope, she is preparing for schoolpocalypse by putting in all-nighters now. That way she is all rested by the time exams and presentations come up.
by Astrapto April 20, 2011
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Boy: "Grandma! I just bought a top-of-the-market graphics card! I think I'm having a... a - a......"
Gran: "A What, boy?"
Boy: "...A nerdspasm!!"
by Astrapto November 4, 2010
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"For The w00t" is a way of combining two popular phrases, "For the win" (abbreviated "ftw")and "w00t." Both serve as exclamations of support and preference.
Lenny: "Dude, Micheal Jackson ftw."
Chester: "Yeah, w00t for Jacko."
Bob: "Guys, just say ftw00t and hit two birds with one stone."
by Astrapto July 5, 2009
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A Verb, meaning "to manipulate events totally and subtly, controlling both sides of an interaction to achieve one's own end."

Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars orchestrated the Clone Wars, the downfall of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, and Separatist Movement, and commanded complete control over the Galactic Empire and the Dark Side of the Force. He was the ultimate double agent, parading among his powerful enemies without suspicion. He appeared the benevolent elected leader while masterfully plotting the demise of everything god. Thus "to palpatine" means that one controls a situation completely and can bring about whatever results he desires without anyone being aware.
It can applied to trivial situations as well.
Fred: "Dude, did you hear Jeff and Andrea broke up?"
Winston: "Yeah, that was all Clara's doing. She manipulated their emotions and aggravated the conflict so that she could get with Jeff."
Fred: "She totally palpatined them!!"
by Astrapto August 29, 2009
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