3 definitions by Arundidoo

Battlecry Used mainly by pasifika, maori and by over aggressive people who want to seem tough but are really just pussies. Can be used as a stalling technique by repeating the phrase even if the opponent actually wants to fight.
a: "Bro, wan' outs?, u wanna fussy!?"
b: "Yeh, bring it!"
a: "You sure u wan' outs!?"
b "Bae, let's take this outside!"
a "ssssssss(inhale), Ok......... bro"
b "What cunt!?"
a "Wan' outs!?"
by Arundidoo August 13, 2014
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'White' pronunciation of the word 'maori'. Generally said by NZ Europeans who claim to be 1/16 maori or smaller. Also spelt 'muuri'.
"Actually, I'm one sixteenth moori" said said Beth who thought 'frick' was a swear word and who was also turning 22 next week.
by Arundidoo August 12, 2014
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adjective Something that is 'hundi' looks stupid and not functional but does work. Used to describe the perfect balance between useless piece of crap and a fully functional yet cheap thing.
'Chenlong, your laptop is too quiet, I can't hear the movie' cried Ms Packard Mountain

'K, miss gimme a sec' Chenlong replied as he pulled out a foam cup and pushed the end onto the speak on his laptop to act as an amplifier.

"That's soo hundi" Ms Packard Mountain cheered
by Arundidoo August 21, 2014
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