2 definitions by Arrestme3425cools

An ugly cunt with a birth defect causing red hair and red pubes. Most rangas are virgins and don't have any friends. Most of them think they are top shit but in reality, nobody likes them. Most of them have similar, ugly facial features. They are lower then the average person.
Oh look its Harry, the ranga. I feel bad for him he has no friends and gets no pussy or female attention.
by Arrestme3425cools July 30, 2021
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A simp is someone who goes out of their way to impress girls just for them to friend zone him. Hes also a huge pussy and talks shit to people to sound tough but when somebody asks them to do something mildly out of their comfert zone they pussy out. They are also extremely weak and can't do shit to defend themselves. They think they are really good at things like sport when they aren't. People with these a name starting with the letter i.
"Isaac is such a simp, he thinks will never get a girlfriend."
by Arrestme3425cools February 27, 2020
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