4 definitions by AnUnkownPerson123456789

It is sort of like the "that's what she said" jokes. You say it in response to someone saying something that may soun weird out of context. It's only known reference is in the Netflix movie Wine Country.
Person 1:"There's a bear in my bedroom."
Person 2:"Things we say now."
by AnUnkownPerson123456789 June 30, 2019
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An alternate saying for "What a God." A show off or someone who does something extreme, slightly extreme or just weird.
**Person scores 100 points in a basketball game and hogs the ball the whole time.
Audience member: "What a Legend."
by AnUnkownPerson123456789 June 30, 2019
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A cancerous song written by Danielle Cohn that is annoyingly catchy.
Person 1:"Have you heard of the song Dani wrote, Marilyn Monroe."
Person 2: "Yeah that song is trash."
by AnUnkownPerson123456789 June 30, 2019
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