6 definitions by AlexWhiteRules


1. When the ballsack in its entirety is inserted fully into a mouth

2. When two ballsacks sandwich something together

3. A ballsack placed inside a bun
1. : Sackwich time bitch

2. : 3^_^3

3: : ()3()

(3= Ballsack)
by AlexWhiteRules August 26, 2010
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The name for the fart(s) that comes out separately after a string of farts. The string of farts most often being quite noisy while the aftershock is rather quiet. Silent But Deadly's are never followed by an aftershock.
Aftershock: *self explanatory*
by AlexWhiteRules August 26, 2010
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An enclosed area, such as a car, where a deadly smelling fart is trapped for massive effectiveness.
Driver: *farts in car and locks windows
Passenger: "I'd rather die than sit in this fart coffin"
by AlexWhiteRules August 2, 2010
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The only place a man can go after a long day of hard work. A chair that is the only thing that can truly comfort and care for a man. Often an extremely comfortable recliner with foot rest. Obtaining one is part of becoming a man along with sex, facial hair and eating a full steak. Many times, a man finds his man chair by fate such as while sitting in the husband chair in a womens clothing store. Spying it from across the way, a man will become like a moth drawn to a flame. He'll have no choice but to sit in the chair for as long as possible and refuse to leave without purchasing it. A typical man will spend 4-8 hours out of everyday sitting in his man chair. This chair is also off limits to women, children and especially other men. Sitting in another man's man chair is like borrowing, wearing and returning his underwear. It's just plain wrong. If one wants to truely destroy a man, then one must destroy is chair. The man chair is a man's pride and most significant accomplishment. Obtaining a nice car and having a high score on an arcade machine follow closely behind. Women say that behind every great man is an even greater woman, they are wrong. For the truth is this: Behind every great man is a comfortable man chair, and a tall beer.
Wife: "Honey, what do you think of this couch? Does it match our other furniture?"
Man: *Spots man chair, eyes begin to water*
by AlexWhiteRules August 15, 2010
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n. A common cure for most diseases. However, because of its
deliciousness and addictiveness, it has been outlawed in most areas. Similiar to medicinal marijuana

v. To bacon is to apply the ideals of the bacon-like nature to any situation.
Alex: "David, I got aids from that ho last night."
David: "Don't worry, I'll get the bacon."

David: "Dude, I got an F in spanish."
Alex: "Baconing?" *Pulls out bacon, milestone reached*
by AlexWhiteRules September 22, 2010
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A thing to look out of when you want to be serious
Me: *Looks out window*
Wife: What did you need?
Me: I know you ate the last cookie... I want a divorce.
by AlexWhiteRules August 26, 2010
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