16 definitions by Albert Einstein 

Derived from a film named Terror Pickers. The term "Bouuuuys" (can have unlimited amount of 'u's) is a substitute for "boys" and is often prolonged in speech. It is often used by the famous relay team (City of Leeds, 2004).
Willard - "Hey, Lewis is back with Emily!"

Jordan - "Wheeyyy bouuuuys!"
by Albert Einstein  December 13, 2004
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tetarded = crustated = queen = hannah
by Albert Einstein  February 6, 2005
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The rare circumstances in which a person is ultra hot and at the same time ultra cool. The word was created as a descriptive word for the two most neutralized people ever: Katie Hott and Gabe Greenberg
"She is so neutralized!"
by Albert Einstein  November 26, 2004
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1. The wittiest man alive.
2. Wit as it would appear in a human form.
3. Extremely sexy hunk
The-Incubator is witty. (note that the previous example was redundant)
by Albert Einstein  July 6, 2003
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IRC Channel for male attendants 30++ performing cyber sexual acts with minor male IRC attendants. Words often used: Macgyver, vaseline, two-armed spiked buttplug, butter, mullet, a**hole, f*ck, wrestling
I am the robodoc of this joint. i will cyber spoof you with my giant pale excrement-diving cockroach
by Albert Einstein  February 6, 2003
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