3 definitions by Alawapr

It's a name used for describing a person, doesn't matter if their name is actually Juno or not, who will be always lovable to someone and will stay there for them.
Person A: But you're such a Juno.. I love you <3
Person B: Thank you so much, I love you too <3
by Alawapr July 27, 2022
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Used agaisn't other people to say that their accuracy on the rythm video game "osu!" is bad.
Person A: You really do have Alaw Acc
Person B: Fuck you...
by Alawapr October 5, 2021
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It's normally used to refer to a person who makes brainless mistakes or the person itself is brainless.
Person A: I think I just cut my finger with my scissors...
Person B: You're stupid or what, bacos?
by Alawapr October 4, 2021
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