16 definitions by Akary

1. v
to quickly eat.

2. v
to vomit or belch in a manner like that of vomiting.

3. n

4. v
to steal or pilfer, usually pertaining to items of little value.

5. v
screw up, make dysfunctional

6. v
to sell (a bastardization of *hawk*)

6. v
do (can mean essentially anything)
i horked it down, then i horked it back up. then he horked my hork, and horked it to this guy who was totally horked up. then i horked my sister
by Akary May 23, 2005
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a very cool dude who wastes his life away on forums
smarterchildzs zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
by Akary October 19, 2004
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a skateboard meant for speedboarding, transportation, slalom, carving, sliding, boardwalking, racing of any other kind. longboards are not necessarily longer than freestyle skateboards. there are longboards from 22" to 103" and probably outside of that range as well.

a typical longboard is 44" long, 9.5" wide with a 28" wheelbase, has 70X45mm 80a wheels, is bent upward (camber) and is flexible with a 5 ply maple deck with fiberglass cloth epoxied onto the deck under the griptape, has a rear kicktail but no nose, has 180mm reverse-kingpin trucks with soft that bushings that allow a 7' turning radius
"i'm sick of riding this unturnable hard-little-wheeled popsicle stick around campus, i should order a longboard"
by Akary May 6, 2005
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it's little when it's soft, but it makes a huge shtooker!
by Akary October 19, 2004
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more mild and less well known
from the german homonym
past tense-shtuck
my shtook buddy
he shtuck her
by Akary October 19, 2004
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The girl of your dreams. Beautiful, super caring, and will always make you laugh. Very social, and loves to make new friends. The type of girl who thinks she isn’t good at something, but ends up being incredible. Any guy would be in a fight to get an Akary. Sometimes crazy, but once you get to now her she will open up. An Akary will always give you the best advice.
“Man I need to get myself an Akary.”

“I just meet this girl named Akary, she’s so awesome.”
by Akary March 29, 2020
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a half cherokee, half irish martial artist and all around badass.
it takes chuck norris 49 muscles to smile, but only 2 to kill
by Akary May 19, 2006
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