2 definitions by Ags.def

an awesome streamer, who streams all kinds of games on twitch, from animal crossing to Pokémon and Minecraft!
by Ags.def December 27, 2021
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- name for a girl, form Aurelius
- Latin for golden

Usually a short girl with brown hair and eyes, she is kind and sweet, when you get to know her. She may seem stand-offish at first, and a bit bossy but deep down inside is a caring, considerate person. However, She is ruthless, if she what’s something she’ll stop at nothing to get it.

A natural leader, and normally and Aries, has a fiery temper, and when she is passionate about something, she really is. Usually very smart, she knows how to play her cards right, and can be a bit of a book worm.

It’s quite easy to be her acquaintance, but to be a good friend of hers will be har. She is not naive and won’t give you her trust unless you’ve earned it, she will stay within her group of close friends and WILL judge you when she meets you. But don’t take that the wrong way, she will try to figure you out, what your intentions are before and. She is very shrewd ( good at judging people ) and will usually make the hard call if needed.

Will not be easy to win over romantically, she plays hard to get, but if she’s into a guy, she won’t show it. She’ll be cute and funny, and may even act a bit dumb to get the guy she likes.
Aurelia seems bossy on the surface, but don’t judge a book my it’s cover, she’s so kind and generous once you get to know her.
Aurelia was the leader for the project, she told everyone what to do, and by following her system we all got the project done on time and we all got good grades!
by Ags.def October 9, 2019
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