4 definitions by Agentthot

A word taken fron the runescape player rueshyyy, now used widely to describe someones personality as fun loving, smart, witty, definitely sexy with a wicked side.
Bec: She's so funny and smart.
Dj: Sexy too
Bec: She's a lil bit naughty though ;)
Dj: She's a rueshyyy one
by Agentthot September 18, 2010
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A low-key dick. Behaves in a dickish way over petty things for no other reason than that they're a twotwaffle. This is taken to the point where others look upon them as weak or pathetic.
G: Why has the milk been left out?
K: I'm making cereal.
Everyone else: He's such a twotwaffle.
by Agentthot February 5, 2021
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A Goon in the singular is an idiot that does idiotic things with no real harmful side effects other than to them selves. Mostly, the outcome of their goonish behaviour is relatively entertaining to the rest of the world.
The plural, Goonie, is totally opposite. You can only be a Goonie if you have 4-5 other Goons with you. To be a Goonie should be everyones goal in life and if ever reached will automatically rocket you to the top of the food chain, the height of coolness and triple your chances of getting laid. There is a warning in the small print however, Goonies never say die, so if you aim to be a Goonie, SAS training is advised.
"He's just tried to boil an electric kettle on the stove and given himself third degree burns. What a Goon."
by Agentthot December 24, 2009
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