6 definitions by AOmundson

A socio-economic theory named by the character Captain Samuel Vimes in Terry Pratchet's novel "Men at Arms." The boots theory suggests that wealthy individuals end up spending less money in the long run compared to poorer individuals due to the wealthy being able to invest in high-quality products that last for several years or more, whereas the impoverished must subsist on cheaper, low-quality versions of the same items that only last for a short period of time before needing to be replaced.
"My rich friend is able to buy a pair of boots that cost me two months' salary, and they'll last him forever. I'm stuck buying crappy knock-offs that wear out after only a few weeks. That's boots theory in practice right there."
by AOmundson January 29, 2022
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A form of rhetoric where a person, usually one with a large audience of followers, demonizes an individual or group they disagree with/dislike in an effort to have one or more members of their audience intimidate, attack, or kill the demonized party on their behalf while maintaining plausible deniability of incitement.
"That conspiracy theorist podcast host committed stochastic terrorism by continually saying his opponent was a child molester."
by AOmundson February 20, 2023
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An offshoot of Godwin's Law stating that the longer and more obtuse a comment thread grows (specifically on Reddit), the odds that someone will make a random Avatar : The Last Airbender reference approaches one. After which the thread will devolve into nothing but Avatar jokes.
"Have you heard of the Sublime principle? It's a secret to most."
"A secret... TUNNEL?"
by AOmundson March 12, 2019
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A political philosophy that maintains that a country's current government/society is broken beyond repair, and the only way to fix it is to force things to get even worse so as to completely collapse the system under its own weight and remake it.

Often related to "taking the black pill."
Joey believes in accelerationism because he hates the world he lives in so much that he figures utter chaos is better than what's currently ongoing.
by AOmundson September 22, 2020
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A phenomenon in film/television series, most notably streaming series, where the main premise is drawn out to such a point that it takes an entire season or more to get the parts of the series the audience is actually interested in seeing.

For example, if a series is titled "Surf Dracula," a majority of viewers would tune in expecting to see Dracula surfing by the first or second episode. However, the entire first season would instead be tedious padding and backstory before finally ending with Dracula surfing in the last five minutes of the season finale.
I watched "Smallville" on Netflix the other day. Dude, it was ten seasons of filler before he finally flew! Major Surf Dracula Syndrome!
by AOmundson June 18, 2023
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Internet slang for films that are basically nothing but compilations of extreme violence and gore. They can usually only be found on the dark web, as they're practically snuff films and are illegal to own.
"Dude, I was browsing through Tor and saw this dark mixtape. Shit was seriously fucked; I think I'm probably on a list now."
by AOmundson March 27, 2021
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