58 definitions by ALICIA

1. regrettably serious
2. unpleasant
When our car crashed, it was a tragic experience!
by ALICIA August 3, 2003
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Derived from the spanish word 'muchacha', meaning 'girl'. Chacha is the slang word for girl.
Hey chacha, you look damn good!
by ALICIA August 3, 2003
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1. To see someone.
2. To be with someone.
3. To be "together".
4. The action of doing any sort of various activities to gain acquiantance with someone romanically.
I am dating Mike, he is a lot of fun.
by ALICIA August 18, 2003
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girl who works her little tail off and dreams of being with her true love


lover of carlo
"LOX loveeess Carlo"
by ALICIA July 15, 2004
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-Someone that is the carlo to LOX
-a true romantic
-a good friend
-madd skilz at needlepoint

by ALICIA July 15, 2004
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Possibly the most ignored unpopulated state in America.
Wyoming? Where the fuck is Wyoming?
by ALICIA July 1, 2003
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