17 definitions by Chance

A human chainsaw capable of mass destruction, know what I mean Mang?
"You want some ice cream baby?", said the drunk txmadcow to the colored girl.
by Chance June 19, 2003
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One who thinks sexually unlawful things about children. Derived from "kiddy diddler". One doesn't actually have to touch a child to be a diddler. Anyone who promotes, is involved in, or looks at child pornography, can be considered a diddler. Goof-diddler is a stronger variation of diddler. it suggests that the person being called it (a diddler of high recogizance) went to prison for diddling. Fuckin' diddlers. Diddlers make you feel guilty for having a girlfriend younger than you because of the unsettleness in society, having heard too many stories of diddlers being put behind bars.
These fuckin' goof-diddlers are giving our city such a bad name. The diddler vibes pulsating from them are so strong, I feel felonious taking my girlfriend, who is 3 years younger than me, out in public, as I, myself, feel the adamant eyes of fellow citizens around me indubitably convicting me of the loathesome act that is goof-diddlitry.
by Chance January 20, 2005
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An Arabic word meaning "secret of God".
"There is a sacred place that Razel keeps safe."
by Chance May 7, 2005
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Loser with vacant brain that has nothing better to do than watch the progress bar of his download.
Look at Loser Leopauld watch his stupid download go! That download-watcher is a true waste of life and skin!
by Chance January 13, 2009
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A fat aboriginal who pretends he's not homosexual by chatting up the lesbian to some known as "orphic".

He is extremely retarted and seems to end all his sentences in "rollmo"
Hi guys, my name is ghostfacekiller rollseyes.
by Chance April 15, 2004
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