793 definitions by Nick

Ohio is one of the best states in America, if not the best. We don't have to worry about messed up politicians or disasters (other than floods and a few tornadoes). There is a great balance of city attractions and countryside. People are generally nice and very opinionated. Lot of ethnic background in Ohio, one of the largest states in America. Great place to grow up if you live suburban Columbus; you get a mix of safety but all the good OSU parties. An yeah, definitely better than crappy-ass michigan.
Ohio is so much better than Michigan, pwned.
by Nick June 27, 2004
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To recieve a ride on the handlebars of someone's bicycle, whilst they are pedaling.
Giz a croggy! (I would appreciate it if I may ride on the handlebars of your bicylce whilst you pedal)
by Nick May 21, 2004
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a fat chick who roles onto your left nut while you're sleeping
That fucking bitch is a real ball breaker - all 500 pounds of her.
by Nick October 18, 2003
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Completely and totally dominated. Getting your ass spanked in a fight...literally. Like what happened to Tito by Randy Cotour in UFC.
Wes did you hear about B Nix?

Ya, I heard he got Cotoured by Nick when he was running his mouth!
by Nick November 18, 2003
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verb, to masturbate (female).

c'mon ladies....we all know what it means.
Nick blew me off last night, so I just stayed at home and 'took a hot bath'.
by Nick April 29, 2004
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A migrant worker who boxes lettuce, tomatoes, and cabbage.
Jose, what do you do for work?

I'm a boxer. My whole family is professional boxer; whe box lettuce, tomatoes, cabbages.
by Nick November 17, 2003
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