115 definitions by .

Pionered in Detroit (How ironic, didn't Eminem, who hails from Detroit, tell us that suopposedly nobody listens to techno?) by 3 young black males (The Belleville Three or Holy Trinity - Derrick May, Jaun Atkins & Kevin Saunderson. How ironic again, aren't the 'gangsters' aka hip hop/rap listeners that say only nerds listen to techno?) Techno in it's purist form is a mindblowing musical genre for it's use of various synthesizers, computer programs and other equipment give the musical masterpeice so much character (Computer programs...sounds familiar..oh that's right, all that 'gangsta' musis is a midi -Nowhere near as good as the sheer intellegence of techno though- ...made on computer yet 95% of 'gangstas' have the nerve to call techno 'shit'.)
Speedy J is the barra.
by . September 7, 2003
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An extream sarcastic child that likes to frequently use periods.
Today turi was a jerk.
by . August 20, 2004
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a weird creature that lives on a tree. normally used as target practice for shotgun.
I saw a qlen last night outside my window.
by . March 15, 2004
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Intercontinental ballistic rizz.

It's derived from the acronym ICBM, meaning "intercontinental ballistic missile", but the word missile is replaced with the word rizz.
Guy #1: "Dude! I just scored that girl Melanie yesterday!"
Guy #2: "Damn, bro! You got ICBR!"
by . October 21, 2023
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A complete idiot.
One having not a shred of intelligence.
That was dumb, but not Hellfish dumb.
by . September 1, 2003
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when a male puts his genatalia between his legs so it looks like he has a fanny
"Richard Watters enjoys foofing, he is a sick fuck"
by . January 11, 2005
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