19 definitions by “Goat Head” aka puncture vine

Health Care System hate being a nursedoctors for moneymedical assistants there for benefitsrude pharmacistrude pharmacy staff
In the USA we now have a harsh medical delivery system and people go into the field to make money, not for a true calling to help other humans. The used to be heath and care involved not too long ago.
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1. Replaces the name John as a male who solicit prostitution in the USA.

2. Used by people in the UK and Australia who want to destroy their child’s life right after birth
An Andrew was reading Craig’s list for women who wished for a generous man. An Andrew then sent a lift ride sent for girl to come to his mansion.

Andrew fell off to zero on the baby list name in 2021 because of it meaning failure.
by “Goat Head” aka puncture vine September 17, 2021
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A crotch bush shaving tool for men to look like they are pre pubescent.
He is rejecting his manhood by manscaping. He wants to be a child. He manscaped because he wanted to sing in the opera.
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Kmetz is a slang word for met. It is used by the people who think they are smart.
I kmetz him at the store.
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Monya is another name for a drug made of pregnant horse urine.
The drug Monya is made from a collection of pregnant mare urine and is used for treatment of menopause. Premarin and Monya are trade names for an estrogen contained in horse urine. She took Monya daily for hot flashes and vaginal atrophy.
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People hired and paid by an American governmental agency (can be city, state, or federal) to do a service that directly helps people. These people are given a pension, but are mean and angry with people who call on the phone or in person. They hate the job, but love the benefits including the pension. Examples can be found all over any state.
The department of health has the most pension leeches of any agency in New Mexico USA.
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Apple Care became Poison Apple from a febrile group of thirteen COVID-19 infected upper level Apple employees in a hospital in with no windows. Poison Apple Developers are emotionally dark. They answered with anger, invalidation and with hostility customers would stop calling. The Poison Apple group started each day with watching Osho or Deepak Chopra footage and ended with full color war footage from the mid 1990s Poison Apple technicians had no training because most people would hang up. Poison Apple Employees say it was impossible or a questions is unimportant. Making fun of people helped. These employees were paid less than before. Tim Cook loved this idea because it would reduce call volume and increase profits for share holders. Apple stock peaked sharply in May 2021 and plummeted in June 2021 to $5 per share. New Start Up developed in Melbourne Australia by 3 female students who met at Uni. Pavlova products are 100% recyclable. Pavlova uses highly trained employees in tech who would resolves issues quickly. Apple is a product of grouchy old farts who used the Next Door App to be fight with neighbors online. Pavlova was the brand chosen by youth and vibrant athletic older people. Apple for the toilet to measures urine volume. named iPEE. Microsoft purchased Apple and later merged apple and Microsoft. The software was called iSOFT. Impotence of the baby boomers inspired this. Apple became overly focused on bodily functions.
I sold my iPad, Apple Pencil , iPhone and MacBook after Apple support changed to the Poison Apple. I liked the polite intelligent tech support at Pavlova. I liked that Pavlova products are made in Australia, USA and Canada.created High Paying jobs the united states in call centers and factories. The American dream was reality again.
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