193 definitions by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ


Short for "Bob Marley’s Your Uncle". Used by stoners to indicate that the ganja is good, they’re happily high, or any cannabis related expression of satisfaction.
Justin Trudeau says he’s pro legalization of marijuana, so BMYU, Canada.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ November 11, 2015
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a person with a passionate commitment to both Jesus and computers
Apparently, some Jesus geek or group of Jesus geeks is hacking into all the non-Christian religious websites and wreaking holy acrimony.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ January 9, 2012
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(1) A phone call to ones grandparents.

(2) A telephone set with extra-large keys and extra-loud ringer & receiver.

(1)You should make a gramma-phone at lease every other month.

(2) My eyesight and hearing are getting so bad, pretty soon I’ll need one of those gramma-phones.

by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ February 4, 2009
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confusion and or dizziness due to a flawed vegan or vegetarian diet that provides little or no protein
When you're a fish-fowler, you don’t have to worry about salad-daze.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ March 10, 2014
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adj: when drivers or passengers of motor vehicles sound their horns for reasons other than safety, they are said to be honky / also used in reference to traffic with excessive horn honking
1 - It's weird how a normally laid-back person can get behind the wheel and suddenly become some crazed honky freak.

2 - If you think our traffic is honky, wait till you try driving in the big city.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ October 17, 2013
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freelance photographers who doggedly pursue porn stars in order to take candid pictures / plural form: ‘bonerazzo’
He didn't quite achieving his goal of world-class photojournalist, but did become one of the bonerazzi.
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At my work, Friday is always 'go for a brewski-haha day'.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ October 22, 2018
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