2 definitions by ånnę_gary

She is person who loves you even though she might cry herself to bed.
She is person who loves you for who you are.
She is that person that would sacrifice herself to save you.
She is a person who is joyful and has a laugh to make you better year by year.
She might get abused by her mother but still stays strong.
She has a deeper meaning to her life.
But you know what SHE can do anything!
If you have a Alison in your life , please keep them strong!
Alison~cries maybe tomorrow would be better as well as this scar...
by ånnę_gary December 2, 2018
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He is a awesome friend!
He is one of kind.
He is always polite and caring.
Dominic is always there!
He does not give up.
Even if someone would bring him down...
He would get back up!
I know the Dominic that would back up again.
He is eager to meet people.
If you have a Dominic, please keep the strong and positive!
Dominic~I can't wait l meet you!
by ånnę_gary December 2, 2018
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