2 definitions by ~TKO~

The Act of A group of people Scattering when, some form of an offcial is coming. Be it a Cop, and School Adminstrator or a Store Representative. Disperses usually happen after you have lingered somewhere for more then 10 minutes
damn, the teachers coming, Disperse!!!
by ~TKO~ March 23, 2007
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1. a woman you don't know and probably won't get to know
2. some one who complains and whines about everything
3. that one ugly girl at the club that always comes with her fine friends and refuses to let you spit at her....also known as a female Cock Blocker
1. *aye look at that bitch over there*
*I dont kno that bitch*
2. Man, Tom Be Actin Like a Lil Bitch.
3. I was tryin talk to her bitch friend wouldn't leave me da fuck alone
by ~TKO~ March 23, 2007
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