22 definitions by [c0x0r]

describing a current event, or posession, as sucking
by [c0x0r] March 23, 2005
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Pool, without the "P"
Welcome to our OOL. Notice there's no "P" in it. let's keep it this way!
by [c0x0r] January 13, 2005
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Kawinma is such a carpet ass!
by [c0x0r] November 14, 2004
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I tried to install windoze 2K, but the damn install hosed my system
by [c0x0r] January 3, 2005
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the funny screws with heads consisting of a small flathead/torx inserts, usually found in Compaq computers
i seem to have a bag of compaq screws.
by [c0x0r] December 2, 2004
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what lkay likes
nice goat drew, do you mind if I fuck it?
by [c0x0r] October 23, 2003
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