9 definitions by [My girlfriends got a great big rump Watch it jump put my junk in her trunk]

sebum Latin, originally, hog fat, lard, fat < ultimately from Indo-European root *sus pig, with related words like swine, sow, French suif ‘tallow, candle fat,’ suet, and the farmer’s common pig-call in many languages, suee-suee.
What it do, that sebum oozing out from under Miss Dollies'
flapjack looking thighs, pooling up down round
her ankles, make me wanna holla, what it do.
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an abnormal craving for and eating of substances (as chalk, ashes, or bones) not normally eaten that occurs in nutritional deficiency states (as aphosphorosis) in humans or animals or in some forms of mental illness —compare GEOPHAGY
Cletus, how many times do I have to tell you to lick that knife off afore you stick it back in the butter. Land sakes, boy, you best be-have or they'll make you mayor of Pangburn.
Pica: if one person does it it's sick but if thousands do it it's an affirming cultural experience
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aspiration of air and debris into the vagina.
To carry out this nasty habit, she usually needs to be able to grab on to a door, log, wooden rail or whatever else with her front teeth and then to WIND-SUCK.


"The most common symptom (sign) of wind-sucking is the gurgling noise or sound produced by the aspiration of air into the vagina, or its expulsion," Caslick observed.
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aspiration of air and debris into the vagina.
She nasty. Girl grabbed on to a door with her front teeth and then WIND-SUCKed all the dust bunnies right up her cucci.


"The most common symptom (sign) of wind-sucking is the gurgling noise or sound produced by the aspiration of air into the vagina, or its expulsion," Caslick observed.
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one who gnaws the enamel off of toilet seats;
one who evidences the pathology known as pica and will require further discrimination training between edible and nonedible items.
I say, Cletus, chaps like them qweeb sandhillers yonder really make me proud to call this place home.

variant: George Bush is such a huge qweeb.
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1. is the "waxy" or "cheesy" white substance found coating the skin of newborn humans. It is secreted by the fetus's sebaceous glands in utero, and is hypothesized to have antibacterial properties."Vernix" is the Latin word for "varnish." The vernix varnishes the baby. "Caseosa" is "cheese" in Latin

Vernix is composed of sebum (the oil of the skin) and cells that have sloughed off the fetus' skin.

2. For the town in France, see Vernix, Manche - commune of the Manche département, in France.
I'll have the parma ham and Vernix caseosa on rye, lightly toasted with a side of potato salad and green onion
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Clitoral winking is characterized by the rhythmic eversion of the labia with exposure and projection of the clitoris.
When she is ready to preach, dance, pose muscles, lecture and do faith healing, she begins to rub against anything, crawl with her belly close to the floor, roll and vocalize with a deep, throaty growl, and practice clitoral winking with unbounded enthusiasm.
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