you have reached a high level of boredom, you prob have already typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, zaqwsxcderfvbgtyhnmjuiklop, lpokmnjiuhbvgytfxdreszawq and other wierd stuff on your keyboard, you need to chill out. please study or do your homework. i am BEGGING YOU. dont be like me
im bored as heck *types zzaaqqwwssxxccddeerrffvvbbggttyyhhnnmmjjuuiikklloopp and other stuff like a mad man*
by another chromebook boi October 5, 2018
Get the zzaaqqwwssxxccddeerrffvvbbggttyyhhnnmmjjuuiikklloopp mug.