Xaeden is a sweet but sour person. Sometimes he can be very sweet but at the same time salty. He is an amazing and caring person. He steals our hearts and sometimes breaks them. He is also full of himself and is a show off at heart. He is someone who can do anything for his frenz. Anyone would like him as a friend or more. If you don’t have X-A-E-D-E-N as a friend or more, your missing out on a lot because dis dude is one of a kind.
by 🐶❤️🐶❤️ March 17, 2019
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A sexy and kind little man. He loves building tables and dogs. He is also potentially the messiah, destined to bring the world into a new order. I love Xaeden, damn what a sexy mother fucker
Brian: Fuck I love Xaeden
Frank: I know his beautiful face turned me gay
Brian (to audience): And the moral of the story is that Xaeden is the messiah
by BabiesCanBeHot June 25, 2022
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