Short for "wrist mask." A face-mask worn on the wrist—when you step outside but aren't sure if you'll be going somewhere that requires a protective face covering. Wearing a mask on your wrist avoids the foolish "ears-forward" effect of slipping one down under the chin, while at the same time signaling that you are in no way an anti-masker.
Yo, Yankee-Boy is rocking that wrask headin' for the bus stop!

I never know when I'll wind up needing it, so I always go out wearing a wrask.
The party was outside on the deck, but a lot of folks was doing it wrask-style.
by Creed Cur June 17, 2021
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Short for "wrist mask." A face-mask worn on the wrist, for when you're headed out but unsure if you'll need one on the down the line. Avoids the comical "ears-forward" look of slipping one down under the chin, while at the same signaling you are in no way an anti-masker.
Yo, Yankee-Boy is rocking that wrask on his way to the bus stop!
I took along a wrask today because I didn't know if I was going to have to mask up.
The party was outside on the deck, but a lot of folks were wrasking.
by Creed Cur June 17, 2021
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