1. an automatic dubstep machine. usually powered by a combination of victorian era steam engines and late 23rd century purified hydrogen emission. appearences range from a resemblence of a 1993 volvo 240 crossed with a 6 foot tall grandfather clock, to a 1950s british police box with questionable quantitative abnormalities crossed with a 1981 deLorean DMC-12.
while the method of operation of the wobbulator is a close guarded secret by the ancient mayans, modern scientists have uncovered the requirements to operate the wobbulator on a elementary level. creating modern dubstep.

discovered in 1789 by a french king louis XVI which sparked the revolutionary when it showed promise as a tool of martial power. in the aftermath of the revolutionary war, the wobbulator was lost and would remain so until it was uncovered in the ruins of a german church in 1919. discovered by a soon to be infamous military dictator. national arguments flared over the ownership of the wobbulator and eventually led to the beginning of WWII. after the fall of the nazi regime, the wobbulator was given to an anonymous man in new york. today, the wobbulator is under the watchful eye of the U.S. Army and armstech. this would continue until 2047 until a catastrophic meltdown resulted in an explosion ten Thousand quinquagintaquadringentillion (10**2703) times greater then the tsar bomba nuclear warhead. resulting in the destruction of much of the known universe.
the wobbulator will end us all
by history_of_the_wobbulator December 24, 2013
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