viriphobia noun
vur· ri· pho· bia | \ˌhe-tə-rə-ˈfō-bē-ə
plural viriphobias
Definition of viriphobia

: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against masculinity or manhood or what is deemed as "traditional masculinity"

//as well as the social desire to view male virility within boys and men as overtly aggressive, harmful, or dangerous to other people without reasonable or just cause. As in so many areas of our society, divisions are drawn in black and white; there are no shades of gray. Viriphobia phobia is countered by homophobia and/or misandry; the empty answer to man-bashing is a vow to bash back.
The human resource manager suffers from viriphobia, thus she is unable to work cooperatively with men in the organization.
by Male Progressive TV January 14, 2019
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